4/Apri/2016 Released Q&A Service for Non-Japanese Speakers to Know More About Japan

ニュース一覧, お知らせ

Guidable, Inc. (CEO:Masaki Tanabe)launches “Guidable Q&A”.(http://qa.guidable.co/)This for non-Japanese speakers who visit and live in Japan to get to know more about Japan.


“Guidable Q&A” is a platform provides information as a personal concierge for Non-Japanese people who visit or live in Japan to acquire information regarding to its travel or even daily life.


When you travel or visit another country, it is usual that you would take use of its domestic or original contents which is uploaded on its online medias. However, it takes time to finally find what you are really looking for. Especially in Japan, those online contents in English are still not many except Travel information. Therefore, it is difficult for non-Japanese people to find any other information except traveling in Japan such as mentioning about daily life in Japan.


Guidable is providing above information taking use of Q&A based way. We make an online community which connect users and information providers. Compare to using database or web-searching by-the-numbers, Guidable is caring humanly communications. User would feel easy to not only ask questions but make communications, so that the services would be user friendly.


The information would not only be travel info but daily life and anything about Japan, so that the user who visiting or living in Japan will enrich their stays more than usual. Moreover this can trigger Japanese tourism inbound needs to another level.


The languages would start with English. Other languages would be coming soon.


Furthermore, we are preparing corporate plans for those who are going to provide rent-rooms on Airbnb or travel tours for foreign visitors. This could become a great support to both corporate and personal businesses in order to solve upcoming communication needs in other languages. (Please make a contact if you would like to know more: info@guidable.co.jp)


We are going to provide our services in order to “make less border between Foreigners and Japanese” as our corporate visions.


■ Examples on “Guidable Q&A”

  • Where I can buy pumpkin seed oil?
  • Is there any recommendation on buying Greed Tea for souvenirs. And Can I buy it around Roppongi Area?
  • Can I use the swimming pool in Tohhou Park even I have my tattoos?
  • What if I mail my stuff to a wrong address?


■ What we have done…

・Guidable Japan(http://guidable.co/)

・Facebook Page

Guidable:11,000 Likes

Guidable for who lives in Japan:Approx 400 Likes

(April 4th, 2016)



Guidable, Inc.

Mail: masaki.tanabe@guidable.co.jp

Masaki Tanabe
