Guidable Intern Interview! Yulinda from Indonesia


  1. What is the reason you wanted to do internship at Gudiable?
  2. What kind of job did you experience?
  3. What did you get through this internship? Or how did you change?
  4. After this internship, what are you interested in now and what do you want to achieve?
  5. Please give some advice to the other international people who will do internship in Japan.
  6. Any comment on Guidable and Guidable members!


  1. What is the reason you wanted to do internship at Gudiable?
    1. The reason why I wanted to do an internship in Guidable was because first, it’s a Japanese company and second, I can do a writer’s job. When I first arrived in Japan, I considered working in a Japanese company after graduation. The experience of working in Guidable as an intern let me gain my experience working in a Japanese company in general. In addition, I can get to write articles for Guidable. I love writing, so I believe that Guidable will give me a space to grow not only in writing but also in getting to know Japanese startup companies.


  1. What kind of job did you experience?
    1. When I first arrived in Guidable, I get to learn about the autonomy of working in a company. I have to manage my own time, make my own goals, and find a way to finish them. I pitched and wrote articles, but I also pitched for an Indonesian language branch of the website. I have translated articles for the branch since then. While I translate, I also did a review on Guidable promotional video, website, and Writer Guide.


  1. What did you get through this internship? Or how did you change?
    1. From this internship, I learned how to motivate myself when the work gets tedious. I also learned how to manage my time at work to still achieve my goals. Sometimes I have to also deal with SEOs and through meetings I get to learn about sponsorship, website management, and many more.


  1. After this internship, what are you interested in now and what do you want to achieve?
    1. After this internship, I feel like I can get back to my blog which I abandoned years ago, because of how cathartic writing aside from your work can be. In Guidable, I was free to write any kind of experience in Japan that pointed out to me. I realized that I should actually keep writing about something other than my work at school, because of how therapeutic it can feel to me. There is not much pressure to research about everything. I can just be myself.


  1. Please give some advice to the other international people who will do internship in Japan.
    1. You will be surprised with the faster work pace. But don’t worry! Be creative and find your own method of work and motivation.


  1. Any comment on Guidable and Guidable members!
    1. The Guidable interns are really kind in helping me sorting out things, especially the ones in Japanese. Although, don’t forget to love yourself too. Make some time for cooling down from work and just treating yourself, because you are all amazing.


From Guidable members to Yulinda

Thank you for your comments and all your works through this 2 months! We really appreciated that you brought your creative idea which was new to us and your positive attitude. We also appreciated your thought which is Indonesian about Japan or any other things. Guidable always need new and creative ideas from abroad because what we’re doing is all about helping foreigners in Japan. Thank you for joining Guidable team! And we all wish you the best for your future!