【MURC LEAP OVER】成果報告会「LEAP DAY」に弊社代表田邉が登壇!
【MURC Accelerator LEAP OVER】Guidable Inc. was chosen as one of inaugural companies!
【MURC LEAP OVER】三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング株式会社のアクセラレータプログラムに弊社が採択
Guidable Intern Interview! Anh from Vietnam
【モーニングピッチ参加】弊社代表の田邉がMorning Pitch(TECH LAB PAAK特集)にて登壇!
【Morning pitch】 CEO Tanabe made a speech at the morning pitch as Guidable, Inc.
Guidable Intern Interview! Yulinda from Indonesia
★Interns wanted★
【Slush Tokyo 2017 participated!】 CEO Tanabe made a speech at the biggest startup event!